Watershed Investments NC

Working to restore and protect our natural systems through environmental restoration and mitigation banking.

Polluted urban runoff to streamsNorth Carolina needs this work to happen.  The State’s water quality assessment found that over 30% of its streams are impaired mainly for not supporting diverse aquatic life.  The news is worse for the state’s reservoirs where nearly 70% are impaired because of excessive algae levels from polluted runoff.  With over 36,000 miles of streams and 450 square miles of reservoirs in North Carolina, there are lots of opportunities for restoration.

Pressures on our environment are going to grow, too.  Between 2010 and 2020, state projections show an 11% growth in our population – that’s over 1 million additional residents.  Our work offsets impacts caused by development associated with that growth and provide for overall improvement to the environment.

We work though a multi-step process that results in the restoration of streamside forests, floodplains, and wetlands.  Once certified by the government, we are issued credits that can then be sold to those seeking to offset their impacts.  Potential purchasers of these credits include public works projects, utilities, commercial and private developers, and DOT.

Our restoration investments result in improvements that are essential to maintaining the health or our natural systems.  Our service provides cost-effective solutions that satisfy regulatory requirements and are easier to implement.  Its an investment approach that results in high-quality restoration of our natural systems.


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